Chemistry Committees
COMMITTEES – descriptions have been taken from Bylaws document. See Bylaws for more details.
Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity Committee (DEI)
Educational Policies Committee (EPC)
Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC)
Graduate Affairs Committee Members
Information Technology Committee
Reappointment & Promotions Committee
Staff Climate Survey Committee (Ad Hoc)
Undergraduate Affairs Committee
The Committee shall have delegated authority to coordinate departmental nominations of faculty for appropriate national, regional, or local awards. To aid this process, the Department Chairperson shall annually remind, in writing, each faculty member to update his/her credential file. The Awards Committee shall consist of four faculty members having the rank of professor. The Committee shall be appointed by the end of Spring semester and shall serve for one year; individuals may be reappointed.
The Colloquium Committee has delegated authority to plan and administer all Departmental colloquia by invited speakers, beginning with colloquia to be held during the Spring semester following their appointment and continuing through the subsequent Fall semester. The Committee shall coordinate colloquium schedules with area seminar schedules, as far as possible, by consulting with area seminar coordinators. Both departmental colloquia and area seminars should have specified annual budgets in order to facilitate responsible planning. The Colloquium Committee shall consist of at least four faculty members and one graduate student, all to be selected by the end of the Spring semester.
Advise Chair and Department on issues of diversity. This is a new committee for which composition, functions and procedures need to be created.
The Educational Policies Committee shall concern itself with all aspects of educational philosophy, policy, and procedure relevant to the graduate program of the Department. The Committee shall formulate and review educational goals and methods for their implementation and shall act in an advisory capacity to make appropriate recommendations to appropriate parties. The purview of the Committee shall include advising, course content, course changes, graduate examinations, and any other matters. The Educational Policies Committee shall consult with the Graduate Affairs Committee on matters of mutual interest. The Educational Policies Committee shall consist of two regular graduate students and at least four regular faculty members, one of whom is the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, who shall serve as Chairperson. The students shall be elected in the Spring to begin one-year terms on July 1st. Faculty members shall be appointed in the Spring to begin one-year terms on July 1st. At least one of the faculty members, in addition to the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, shall have served on the committee the previous year. At least one of the faculty members shall also be a member of the Faculty Advisory Committee.
The Equipment Committee shall advise the Department Chairperson on allocation of Department funds earmarked for equipment. The Equipment Committee shall consist of at least four faculty members and a specialist. The Committee shall be appointed by the end of Spring semester. At least one of the members shall have served on the Equipment Committee the previous year.
The Faculty Advisory Committee shall advise the Department Chairperson on any matter that he or she, or any faculty member, or any Academic Specialist, or any student, brings before it. The Faculty Advisory Committee members shall communicate (a) the substance of Committee deliberations to other faculty members, Academic Specialists and students, and (b) the collective opinions of other faculty members, Academic Specialists and students to the Committee. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall be responsible for establishing the rosters of all standing committees and establishing the charges to those committees for the upcoming year. Similarly, the FAC shall be responsible with providing nominees for any University or College committees. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall be the Committee on Committees. The Faculty Advisory Committee shall implement and interpret the Bylaws.
The Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) shall consist of the Department Chairperson, the Associate Chairperson for Education, the Associate Chairperson for Research (all serving as ex officio members – without vote), six elected faculty members, and one elected Academic Specialist, for a total of ten members. The six elected faculty members will be comprised of one each from the Analytical, Chemistry Education Research, Inorganic, Organic, and Physical/Nuclear areas, and one Assistant Professor. The Department Administrator has also been added as an ex-officio member of the FAC.
Faculty representatives shall be elected for a two-year term, and no faculty representative shall be elected for more than two consecutive two-year terms. Academic Specialists shall be elected for a two-year term, and no Academic Specialist shall be elected for more than two consecutive two-year terms.
The Graduate Affairs Committee shall have delegated authority for implementing Departmental graduate policy and for awarding Departmental fellowships. The Graduate Affairs Committee shall consist of an Admissions Subcommittee and an Advising Subcommittee, each of which shall consist of at least five regular faculty members including the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies. The Associate Chair for Graduate Studies shall be Chairperson of the Committee and of both Subcommittees. Faculty members shall be appointed in the Spring to three-year terms which begin July 1st. During the first year of the three-year term, the member shall serve only on the Admissions Subcommittee; during the second year, he/she shall serve on both Subcommittees; and during the third year, he/she shall serve only on the Advising Subcommittee. The Graduate Admissions Subcommittee shall be responsible for recruiting and admitting graduate students and for awarding fellowships to incoming students. The Graduate Advising Subcommittee shall be responsible for: 1) Advising each new graduate student from the time he/she is admitted until he/she chooses a research advisor or terminates his/her studies. 2) Administering orientation and qualification procedures and making retention and termination recommendations to the faculty. 3) Assisting students in making rational, informed choices of research areas and research advisors.
The Reappointment and Promotion Committee shall review annually the progress of each regular faculty member below the rank of professor and shall communicate its findings and recommendations to the Department Chairperson in an advisory capacity. Review policies must be in agreement with Guidelines for Faculty Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure in the College of Natural Science at Michigan State University available on the CNS website. The Reappointment and Promotion Committee shall consist of at least six tenured faculty, having the rank of professor or associate professor. Normally, a complement of four professors and two associate professors should be chosen. In the event that the number of eligible associate professors is less than two, a correspondingly greater number of professors should be selected. The Committee shall be appointed by the end of the Spring semester and shall serve for one year. At least two members of the Committee shall have served on the Committee during the preceding year.
The Safety Committee shall encourage reasonable and proper laboratory and building practices and shall conduct periodic safety inspections in an advisory capacity. The Safety Committee shall consist of the Department Chairperson (ex officio), at least two other faculty members, an appointed safety officer, and one graduate and one undergraduate student. The faculty members and the graduate student shall be selected by the end of Spring semester.
The Undergraduate Affairs Committee has delegated authority for developing, implementing and reviewing Departmental undergraduate educational philosophy, policy, and procedures. The purview of the Subcommittee shall include all aspects of the undergraduate curriculum, degree requirements, advising, course content, course changes, co-curricular and extracurricular education, and any other matter consistent with its change. The Undergraduate Affairs Committee shall report its activities to the Faculty Advisory Committee on a regular basis. The Undergraduate Affairs Committee shall consist of at least five regular faculty or specialist members including the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, one graduate student, and two undergraduate students. The Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies shall normally serve as a Chairperson of the Committee. Faculty members shall be appointed by the end of the Spring semester to one-year terms which begin July 1st. At least one member of the Committee, in addition to the Chairperson, shall have served on the Committee in the previous year. The students shall be elected in the Spring to begin one-year terms on July 1st.