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Postdocs and Students

Collage of Hunt Group graduate student and post-doc headshots/
Hunt Group
Hunt Group group photo in garden.
Hunt Group
Collage of Hunt Group graduate student and post-doc headshots/
Hunt Group
Collage of photos featuring Hunt Group student Nathan Jansen.
Hunt Group Ph.D student Nathan Jansen. Top row, left to right:  presenting poster that was selected for SciMix at Spring 2023 ACS Meeting; presenting on adiabatic quantum computing at the meeting of the Midwest Quantum Collaboratory in August 2023. Bottom row: award for Best Poster Presentation at the MSU Graduate Academic Conference in May 2023. Right side full: Nathan and Professor Hunt at High Camp at Tahoe, during the July 2022 American Conference on Theoretical Chemistry.
Evangelos Miliordos shown receiving the Dean's Research Award there at Auburn University.
Evangelos Miliordos, former Hunt Group post-doc, recieving Auburn University's Dean's Research Award.